Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hey there delightful

hey there peoples!Hows it going?

Where do I start?Well to start off, my day was really weird, I feel happy yet scared yet worried yet excited.Had no classes today though, so instead i stayed home and studied for my INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY & BANKING MANAGEMENT exam tomorrow.Even the name needs some memorising.Besides that, i banked in my cheque (finally) and played footie, where some jackass really got me ticked off.Boy oh boy was he lucky we finished the game or i would've killed him =).So wish me luck!

To my best bud Brian, thanks for all the memories man.From football to movies to hanging to locking me up in monkey cages.Gonna miss ya mate!Have a great time taking a Bath =),sorry i meant Bath,England

SHOCKING: Okay guys, i'm sure most of you have seen some muscular men before.But i highly doubt anyone of you guys have seen this guy.His name is Greg Valentino, and his arms are so big its bigger than my waist.Its so sick it makes me wanna stop exercising

haha.Something for you all to think about :P

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