Friday, December 28, 2007

End of Year

A year has passed so quickly, goodness gracious me. Okay that sounded a tad too gay. But still, doesn't it feel like yesterday, when we were all celebrating the New Year's? Time is going by too damn quickly, life is too short.

It's the time again to reflect on what the year has brought me. I guess what really stands out the most would be, well i shall list it in sequence.

1. Having an interesting friendship at the start of the year
2. Turning 18
3. Continuing and completing my 1st year of degree
4. Getting good grades =) (which i worked hard for!!)
5. Meeting 2 great bunch of friends
6. Starting the second year of my degree
7. Giving personal tutoring
8. Doing an AD for Celcom (thanks daryl)
9. Again, respectable grades for my 3rd Semester results
10. Lastly, my girl =) (she knows who she is ;) )

I suppose, i could look back and smile about it though not many of those would strike most as an accomplishment. But they are to me so oh wells

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