Wednesday, October 31, 2007

12 days to go

Hello people. Hows the going? Its that time of the year ay? Where the holidays are soo damn near yet there are a couple of things in between, between now and those blissful times.

EXAMS..EXAMS EXAMSSSS! In exactly 12 days from today will be the start of my finals, which luckily for me lasts a week. Though, the hardest paper being on the 15th, right smack in the middle of it all. Sigh.

Well since i don't have much to blog about today, i shall just bore u guys with my day's activities. Started off with me forgetting to wake up for my 8am class, which meant that i had to attend the 1pm class. Darn. Had planned for a long day of study, which i proudly achieved =).

Played footie in the evening which i scored 3 brilliant goals past a 2 foot 4 inch keeper. Excellent.

Ohh and i drove by the car which i had a small accident with in March this year! Stupid prick.

The damage isn't so bad...though my dad's car was scratchless

As the tag goes 'Volvo for Life'

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